
Friday Night Funkin Portrait

Friday Night Funkin Portrait

The Portrait edition of the Friday Night Funkin series is recommended. Enjoy seven weeks of fantastic music and compete against your girlfriend's father's rock star. This is a new product in the genre of clicker games.


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The Portrait edition of the Friday Night Funkin series is recommended. Enjoy seven weeks of fantastic music and compete against your girlfriend's father's rock star. This is a new product in the genre of clicker games. You are an extraterrestrial who has landed on Earth and must fulfill missions to assimilate. Each "day" consists of four distinct activities, each of which occurs in a separate location: school, work, home, and the gym. There are various locales, each with their own unique problems. For instance, you may be requested to go for a run or to increase your understanding on a certain topic. The more tasks you complete, the greater your daily score. The winner is the first player to cross the finish line! This game is for you if you enjoy playing games casually on your phone while waiting for something else, or if you want an entertaining game that doesn't need much concentration after a long day at work (but helps you de-stress direct indirect). Let's get started!





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