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FNF AZUMOD (vs Azumanga Daioh)

FNF AZUMOD (vs Azumanga Daioh)

FNF AZUMOD (vs Azumanga Daioh) is a delightful mod that seamlessly blends rhythm gameplay with the whimsical charm of the iconic Azumanga Daioh anime. Step ...


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About FNF AZUMOD (vs Azumanga Daioh)


Embark on a whimsical musical adventure with FNF AZUMOD (vs Azumanga Daioh), a charming Friday Night Funkin' mod that transports players into the lively world of the beloved Azumanga Daioh anime. In this delightful crossover, Boyfriend takes center stage alongside iconic characters like Chiyo, Osaka, Tomo, and more, offering a fusion of rhythm gameplay and the comedic charm of the Azumanga Daioh universe. Step into the shoes of Boyfriend as he navigates the school life and eccentricity of Azumanga Daioh, singing his way through a series of entertaining challenges and encounters.


FNF AZUMOD introduces players to a unique blend of Friday Night Funkin' rhythm gameplay and the endearing world of Azumanga Daioh. As Boyfriend faces off against characters from the anime, players must hit the correct keys to the beat, engaging in musical showdowns that capture the essence of the series' humor and charm. The mod features an array of catchy songs, including "Tensai," "Tsukurimashou," "Kigachiru," and "Meiwaku," each reflecting the quirky personalities and comedic moments associated with Azumanga Daioh.

The gameplay unfolds as Boyfriend navigates through the schoolyard, classrooms, and various locations inspired by the anime. As the musical battles progress, players experience the lighthearted and episodic nature of Azumanga Daioh, encountering memorable characters and reliving some of the series' most iconic moments.


FNF AZUMOD (vs Azumanga Daioh) serves as a delightful tribute to the beloved anime, combining the rhythm mechanics of Friday Night Funkin' with the charm of Azumanga Daioh's unique characters and a comedic narrative. Whether you're a fan of the original series or a rhythm game enthusiast, this mod promises an entertaining journey through the laughter-filled world of Azumanga Daioh. Can you keep up with the beat and harmonize with Boyfriend and the Azumanga Daioh crew? The stage is set for a musical experience that celebrates both rhythm and anime in FNF AZUMOD.

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