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There are so many games out there. So many genres. From the classics like the Mario franchise to indie titles that have taken the gaming world by storm....



If you've been reading this blog for a while, you probably know that I'm a huge gamer and a self-proclaimed audiogamer (hello mom!). I've been playing games for over 6 years now and I can't imagine a more enjoyable way to spend my free time than by immersing myself in virtual worlds and creating epic stories with the others. Audio games, a mix of games and audiobooks, are also an important part of my daily routine and they have helped me cope with my depression. Although listening to audiobooks has been my self-care routine for many years, I have only recently discovered the wonderful world of video games. In this ultimate guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about this exciting new genre and discover some of the best for audio games.

By the time you've finished reading this guide, you'll know everything there is to know about video games. So let's get started! First things first: don't be intimidated by video games. No matter what kind of game you want to play, the rules are the same. Players create a story using their imagination and then express their story with their voice or microphone.
Audiogames aren't just for gamers. Theyre for anyone who loves games, loves audiobooks, or wants to try out a new way to spend their free time. First off, be sure you have an audio player that will work with your audiogame of choice. There are a few types of players that you can use: PC computers Mac computers iPods and iPhones Android devices.



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